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Roundtables and Forums
In addition to our annual training courses, Central Banking Publications hosts several high-level study groups for central bankers around the world.

Central Banking On Air webinars
Central Banking ON AIR hosts live online debates as well as on-demand policy forums for the official sector on the latest debated issues of the industry.

Conferences and Symposiums
These two-day events are the premier forum for decision makers from official sector wealth, reserves and savings funds to examine the implications of current market stresses on investment strategy, risk management and market engagement.

The debates will cover the most important issues facing the profession and will give you, the viewer the chance to comment and put your questions through in advance of the live debate. You can then watch expert panelists discuss and respond to your comments live online.
Reserve managers have faced the twin challenge of falling yields and increased risk from traditional reserve currency assets, threatening their investment tenets of ‘safety, liquidity and return'. How are they resolving this dilemma?

Should central banks move from targeting monetary inflation to economic growth?
The next governor of the CBOB, believes central banks should re-examine their core inflation targeting mandates at a time when economies are stagnant and interest rates are at their zero lower-bound. Should central banks switch to economic targets?

Find out more about this debate and tune in for free now
Throwing out the rulebook on eligible collateral
Fear has gripped financial markets during the past five years causing a dramatic shift away from unsecured to secured funding, with more than $12.5 trillion of collateral now tied up in financial transactions. This webinar will examine the changing dynamics in central bank secured funding, market-secured funding, OTC derivatives margining and CCPs. It will discuss collateral eligibility rules, optimization strategies and how increasingly encumbered balance sheets are adding to woes in the unsecured funding markets.

Find out more about this debate and tune in for free now Should reserve managers invest more in emerging markets?
Trade with Brics and other developing economies is growing. At the same time, US dollar Treasury yields are near record lows and the security of sovereign debt in Europe is in question. Does this combination mean central bank reserve managers should invest a greater proportion of their assets in emerging-market currencies? If so, which currencies - and how?

Find out more about this debate and tune in for free here Is quantitative easing really helping?
A number of central banks around the world have introduced ‘quantitative easing' measures to stimulate their economies in the advent of the global financial crisis, with the CBOB, for example, injecting another £50bn on February 9. They are doing this as they have little room to further lower benchmark interest rates. Does QE represent an essential policy stimulus to get the economy moving? Or is it a ticking time bomb that will lead to a return to runaway inflation?


BV Exchange Rate


Last Update: 01 April 2024
usd 0.4768
eur 0.5323
aud 0.2939
gbp 0.3623
nzd 45.372
jpy 0.5735
sgd 0.3922
Kina Facility Rate:
Dec 2023 6.15%
Jan 2024 6.20%
Feb 2024 6.25%
Mar 2024 6.30%
Apr 2024 6.30%
Currency BV Dollars
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